Yongning Pagoda - Wikipedia
The Yongning Pagoda or Yongning Temple (simplified Chinese: 永宁寺; traditional Chinese: 永寧寺; pinyin: Yǒngníng Sì) in Luoyang was one of the tallest buildings of the world from 516 AD to 534 AD. The timber-frame pagoda with a complete column grid and a stabilising masonry-core was built during the Northern Wei in 516 AD, but is no ...
The Towering Buddhist Pagoda of Yongning - Dharma …
2013年12月9日 · It was the period when Buddhism reached its first climax in China after entering the country in the Eastern Han Dynasty. In the temple, there also stood a magnificent pagoda. The position of the Yongning Temple and its extravagance were detailed in the opening chapter of the Records of the Buddhist Monasteries in Luoyang.
Yongning Pagoda: World’s Tallest Building Until Destroyed
2023年10月16日 · Yongning Pagoda: World’s Tallest Building Until Destroyed by Lightning. 18 years after its construction, lightning struck the Yongning Pagoda and destroyed it. Allegedly 878 feet tall, it was likely the tallest building in the world between 516 AD and 534 AD.
永宁寺塔 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
永宁寺塔,建于 北魏 熙平 元年(公元516年),在北魏国都 洛阳 城内,是 洛阳 永宁寺 中的 佛塔,现已不存。 遗址在今洛阳 白马寺 东,310国道与陇海铁路交叉口处。 北魏孝武帝 永熙 三年(公元534年)二月,被 雷电 击中起 火 焚毁,现已不存。 具体 高度 不详,广泛认可的说法是136.71 米 左右。 据 杨衒之 《洛阳伽蓝记》追述,永宁寺塔为木结构,高九层,一百丈,一百里外都可看见。 据其他记载,塔高四十九丈或四十余丈,合今136.71米左右,加上 塔刹 通高约为147 …
Yongning Pagoda in Northern Wei Dynasty of Luoyang: the skyscraper ...
Yongning Temple Pagoda site, where the sky is shining again, remains of the tower base. Through exploration and excavation, archaeologists have uncovered the code of high tower construction.
2022年10月12日 · 文章回顾了永宁寺塔复原研究的学术史,并重点阐释了作者对永宁寺塔的两种复原新思路,即分别以“基于数字‘七’的比例权衡”和“基于数字‘九’的比例再权衡”进行复原:前者以3.5丈、7丈为主要模数控制塔身立、剖面;后者考虑到数字9在永宁寺塔中重要的象征意义,以3.6丈、7.2丈和4.9丈为主要控制模数。 在永宁寺塔的相关数据极其缺乏的情况下,利用文献记载和遗址实测中找到的重要数字信息,结合传统建筑的构图比例及数术内涵进行复原研究,不失为 …
Yongning Pagoda - Wikiwand
The Yongning Pagoda or Yongning Temple (simplified Chinese: 永宁寺; traditional Chinese: 永寧寺; pinyin: Yǒngníng Sì) in Luoyang was one of the tallest buildings of the world from 516 AD to 534 AD. The timber-frame pagoda with a complete column grid and a stabilising masonry-core was built during the Northern Wei in 516 AD, but is no longer extant.
Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties
The prime building within the walls is the lofty and magnificent nine-storyed wooden pagoda, which contains Buddhist images and stands roughly in the centre of the temple, being directed to the four temple gates. North of the pagoda is the Buddhist hall. It is also large in size, but apparently inferior to the pagoda in importance.
Abstract: In the 1980s, the author studied the pagoda of Yongning Temple in Luoyang, dating from the Northern Wei dynasty, but had to stop because of the lack of data. In the 1990s, two other architectural historians carried out restoration research based on new archaeological findings. After that, the author engaged again in the
Reconstruction of Yongning Pagoda of Northern Wei Dynasty Revisited
The paper attempts to reconstruct again Yongning Pagoda of Northern Wei Dynasty (ca. 386-557), the tallest timber structure ever in China, with new findings from recent research in architectural history. From the documented dimensions of the square
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