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The stages of translation in gene expression are explained, including initiation, elongation, and termination.
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The webpage provides information about the stages of transcription in DNA into RNA.
Khan Academy
Learn about tRNA and ribosomes, their structure, function, and role in protein synthesis.
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Learn about eukaryotic gene transcription, from DNA to mRNA, including important processing steps.
What can I translate? – Khan Academy Help Center
2021年4月16日 · Volunteers will have information about what to translate on our Translation Portal. If you want more information about which topics you will be translating first (typically math content) and whether you should be translating videos, articles, or platform language, please check in with your language advocate.
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Khan Academy
Learn about the discovery and properties of the genetic code and how to use the codon table in this Khan Academy article.
How can I start translating through the translation portal?
2023年6月22日 · Follow the processes below: 1. Create an account on Crowdin and join the translation team (see instructions here). 2. Once you have an...
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Khan Academy