Pycnogenol: Uses and Risks - WebMD
2023年5月30日 · Pycnogenol is a compound of natural chemicals. It comes from the bark of a European pine tree. Pycnogenol is thought to be an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage.
Pycnogenol®: French maritime pine bark extract
Pycnogenol® (pic-noj-en-all) is a natural plant extract originating from the bark of the maritime pine that grows along the coast of southwest France and is found to contain a unique combination of procyanidins, bioflavonoids and phenolic acids, which offer extensive natural health benefits.
Pycnogenol: Health Benefits, Uses, Doses, Safety Information ... - WebMD
2023年3月23日 · Known for its antioxidant properties, Pycnogenol® offers a wide range of potential health benefits. It has been studied for its effects on everything from mental function to treating high blood...
Pycnogenol®: 主页
碧容健® pycnogenol 是法国沿海松树皮提取物,一种高品质物质,是纯天然与强效抗氧化剂的独特结合。 历经40余年潜心研究,贺发研究公司铸就了碧容健®产品的安全、功效和高品质。
pycnogenol - 百度百科
Pycnogenol是由生物性类黄酮素(Bioflavonoids)所组成,属于小分子水溶性之类黄酮素(Flavonoids)的某一大类。 主要的成分由独特的 黄酮类化合物 (Proanthocyanidins)所建构,由 儿茶素 (catechin) 及异位儿茶素(epi-catechin) 以3至7个不等的分子形方式组合,形成多样性的生化聚缩合体 (oligomers),其结构侧链有许多氢氧基(-OH)复合物,所以能视为有力的抗氧化物。 [1] 倘若要追本溯源,探究Pycnogenol的历史,首先要提及松树皮的使用。 从远古时 …
Pycnogenol: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dose ... - RxList
Pycnogenol is used to slow the aging process, maintain healthy skin, improve athletic endurance, and improve male fertility. Some people use skin creams that contain pycnogenol as "anti-aging" products.
松樹皮萃取(碧蘿芷)的12種功效及副作用(7點使用禁忌要留 …
碧蘿芷(Pycnogenol),又稱碧容健,是一種從法國沿海松樹皮所萃取出的標準提取物,也是專利配方的名稱,主要含有2種類型的類黃酮,如 聚合類黃酮(約占65%,原花青素、兒茶素、表兒茶素等)及含量較少的為單體類黃酮,如沒食子酸、咖啡酸、阿魏酸…等
Pycnogenol: Benefits and Safety - Verywell Health
2024年9月20日 · Pycnogenol is a pine bark extract containing plant-based chemicals that may ease osteoarthritis pain, lower blood sugar and cholesterol, and reduce your risk of heart disease. Taking pycnogenol supplements may be safe, but they can cause allergic reactions and interact with medications.
Pycnogenol®: FAQ
Pycnogenol® is a blend of active bioflavonoids, also found in fresh fruits and vegetables. 40 years of research have been dedicated to establishing the safety of Pycnogenol® and its benefits for human health. Purity and potency of Pycnogenol® are continuously monitored and Horphag Research guarantees its constant high quality.
12 Benefits of Pycnogenol (Pine Bark Extract) According to Studies
2015年3月21日 · Pycnogenol Benefits. Here are the many health benefits believed to be possible with Pycnogenol: Reduces “leaky” blood vessels by making the wall proteins (collagen, elastin) more resistant to damage; Helps maintain high vitamin C and E blood levels for their antioxidant effects; Inhibits platelet aggregation like low-dose aspirin