Mephala | Elder Scrolls | Fandom
Mephala, or Mafala as she is known in Khajiiti culture, is the Clan Mother of Dark Secrets, representing hidden guilt and shame. An abandoned temple to her can be found in Northern Elsweyr. Mephala is voiced by Colleen Delany, the actress that also voices Lydia and Ria. Gallery
Lore:Mephala - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Mephala is a Daedric Prince who is associated with murder, lies, deception, sex, and secrets, and is always weaving a web of intrigue and terror. Though it is stated that her sphere is obscured to mortals.
梅法拉 - 百度百科
梅法拉(Mephala)是Bethesda Softworks 推出的知名 游戏 《上古卷轴》中的一个角色。 梅法拉是十六魔神之一,原审判席三神之一,拥有乌木之刃。 梅法拉的领域凡人来说是难以理解的,她被冠以织网者、织造者、蜘蛛魔神的称号。 不同于其他魔神,梅法拉现身时的性别是不固定的,完全取决于他/她想要接触的对象。 对梅法拉最直观的印象是,他/她一直在编织一张密不透风的网——充满了谎言、性和谋杀。 梅法拉直接参与了臭名昭著的刺客组织莫拉格帮(Morag …
梅法拉 - 上古卷轴 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限公司
梅法拉 (魔族语: 模板:DaedricScript)是 魔神 之一。 她又称为 织网者 、 纺纱者 、 蜘蛛 、 [1] 雌雄同体 、 [2] 和 阴谋编织者, [3] 她的领域有时被认为是谎言、 [4] 性、谋杀和秘密, [5] 但有人声称她的真正领域对凡人来说是模糊的。 [1] 丹莫将其作为神系中的 三善魔族 之一来信仰。 [6] [7] [8] 大概是为了取乐,她喜欢诱导和干涉凡人的事务, [1] [9] 尽管也有人怀疑她操纵凡事是背后有更大的阴谋。 [10] 梅法拉是 Spiral Skein 以及更加混乱的魔法鬼网连接的 湮灭位面 的统治者 …
梅法拉 - 上古卷轴5天际WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
梅法拉是一位迪德拉君主 (魔神)。 她与谋杀、谎言、欺骗、性和秘密有关,并且总是编织着阴谋和恐怖的网络。 梅法拉也被称为织网者、编织者、秘密艺术的老师、八影谋杀的女王、银蜘蛛、蜘蛛之神、黑暗者、低语女士、耳语夫人、和湮灭女王。 她也被称为秘密公主,她编织了肮脏的人类事务之网。 长而细的银发是梅法拉冠军的特质。 梅法拉为了自己的愉悦而干涉凡人的事务,也不做没有目的的事。 梅法拉认为凡人的事情是由网编织的。 只要拉一根线,整个事情就会解开。 …
Mephala - Villains Wiki
Mephala is a Daedric Prince, a primordial false god, all of whom are manifestations of half-understood or flawed concepts tied into creation. In Mephala's case, she is the Daedric Prince of lies, secrets and manipulation, she is strongly associated with spiders, assassination and politics.
Skyrim:Ebony Blade - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
It is an artifact of the Daedric Prince Mephala. It is essentially a dai-katana with the speed, length, and reach of a standard one-handed sword, with designs similar to normal ebony weapons. Upon obtaining the artifact, Mephala bids you to unlock the blade's true potential by murdering your close friends (typically, those you have done favors ...
Short essay on Mephala : r/teslore - Reddit
2018年11月25日 · In Varieties of faith Mephala is credited as founding the Dunmer clan system, a precursor to their house system, therefore Mephala can be linked to family. That is the simple, surface stuff out of the way. What makes Mephala more mysterious is why? She is known as the webspinner and seems to be running some deeper schemes behind the surface.
Mephala Guide - Scrolls Guided
Mephala is one of the Daedric Princes and here in the Mephla guide, we'll see how she looks like, what's she is made of and more...
Mephala - Skyrim Wiki
Mephala is the daedric prince of lies, secrets and plots... and thoroughly enjoys meddling in the affairs of mortals. In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Mephala masquerades as "The Whispering Lady...
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