Key Documents - IWC
The International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling was signed in 1946 and it is the International Whaling Commission’s founding document. The Convention includes a legally binding Schedule which, amongst other things, sets out catch limits for commercial and aboriginal subsistence whaling.
International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling
The International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling consists of the Convention itself, as well as a Schedule that is an integral Part of the Convention text. The Convention sets out the...
This Convention applies to factory ships, land stations, and whale catchers under the jurisdiction of the Contracting Governments and to all waters in which whaling is prosecuted by such factory ships, land stations, and whale catchers.
International convention for the regulation of whaling Done: Washington December 2, 1946 Opened For Signature: Entry into Force: November 10, 1948 Former Parties to the Convention: Canada withdrawal effective June 30, 1982. Egypt withdrawal effective June 30, 1989. Greece withdrawal effective June 30, 2013.
International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (with annexed schedule). Signed at Washington, on 2 December 1946 Amendments to paragraphs 6, 7 (a) and 10 of the schedule to the above-mentioned Convention. Adopted at the first meeting of the International Whaling Commission, held in London, 30 May-7 June 1949
Convention, commercial whaling, whether by pelagic operations or from land stations, is prohibited in a region designated as the Indian Ocean Sanctuary. This comprises the waters of the Northern Hemisphere from the coast of Africa to …
The International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, …
The International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling was signed in 1946 and it is the International Whaling Commission’s founding document (IWC).
International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling . Done at: Washington; December 2, 1946 . Entered into force: November 10, 1948 . In accordance with Article X, paragraph 1, this Convention shall be ratified and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the United States of America.
该《公约》的起草者依靠科学专门知识,遵循美国较为进步的传统,着力于使捕鲸业的需要与保护鲸鱼种群的需要相协调(《公约》序言中提到可持续利用就是一个例子) 。 美国代理国务卿迪安· 艾奇逊宣告,鲸鱼是“ 整个世界的受监护者”,是一种必须保护的“ 共同资源”。 他强调必须在利用世界资源方面进行合作,认为这次会议表明“ 各国在解决国际保护问题上的合作越来越多”。...
1946 International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling
1956 Protocol to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling. This instrument amends/supersedes: 1937 International Agreement for the Regulation of Whaling. 1938 Protocol on Regulation of Whaling. Related Instruments
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