Hyponatraemia | Flowchart | Investigations - Geeky Medics
2023年8月25日 · An overview of the assessment and management of hyponatraemia including a flowchart to identify the underlying cause.
Flowchart 1: Investigation of hyponatraemia in adults *SIADH: serum osmolality <285mmol/L, not dehydrated, inappropriately high urine sodium and osmolality, renal/adrenal/pituitary/cardiac causes excluded.
Dx Schema – Hyponatremia – The Clinical Problem Solvers
Hyponatremia – Jack PennerDownload PDF hereHyponatremia & DiureticsCorresponding episodeEpisode 2 – Hyponatremia
1 Flowchart on diagnosis and management of hyponatremia
Recent studies have highlighted the frequent occurrence of IAH in cardiac surgery patients and have linked the role of low perfusion pressure to the occurrence of AKI. This review and expert...
[臨床藥學] 別再為低血鈉 (hyponatremia) 頭痛囉!低血鈉臨床評 …
低血鈉臨床評估流程~ 別再為低血鈉頭痛囉~看看這個流程圖,記住『滲透壓、體容積、尿鈉』的口訣~配合臨床症狀與病史,相信您也可以馬上判斷出可能的原因喔↓↓↓. 也別忘了歐洲內分泌醫學會最新發表的低血鈉治療指引喔! http://goo.gl/QORCCp.
*SIADH: serum osmolality <285mmol/L, not dehydrated, inappropriately high urine sodium and osmolality, renal/adrenal/pituitary/cardiac causes excluded.
Flowchart of the diagnostic work-up for hyponatremia.
Normovolemic hyponatremia is most often caused (in over 60% of cases) by SIADH, which is diagnosed when the following criteria have been met: urine osmolality >100 mOsm/KgH 2 O, urine sodium ...
Therapeutic trial of 0.9% saline (e.g. 1 litre over 12 hours) and recheck Na+ after 6 hours. If hypovolaemic, Na+ should increase. Patients with SIADH don’t improve or may worsen – discontinue fluids if so. Stop any drugs that can cause hyponatraemia, if appropriate. If thought to be drug induced this may be all that is required.
Flowchart for diagnosing hyponatremia IV = intravenous, Na
Download scientific diagram | Flowchart for diagnosing hyponatremia IV = intravenous, Na = sodium, RTA = renal tubular acidosis, SIADH = syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic...
GGC Medicines - Management of Hyponatraemia
Milder symptoms of hyponatraemia (lethargy, anorexia) and moderate hyponatraemia (125-129mmol/L) - if asymptomatic or simply without severe symptoms - should be investigated as in flow chart 1. In view of particular clinical risk around patients with serum sodium <120mmol/L, a clinical biochemist will usually phone this result through to aid ...