My Green Slimer went from this...... To this..... PICS--Acro Help ...
2011年10月10日 · I am losing color primarily on my green slimer, J Fox Unknown acro, and Nicks purple green acro. Coralline algae in the tank is also turning white in the centers with purple edges.
Show me your Green Slimer Acro - REEF2REEF Saltwater and Reef …
2011年8月20日 · Post up the pics and tell us what kind of green slimer it is, growth rate, placement, etc... Looking to see if I should add it to my tank or not.
Green Slimer growth update - REEF2REEF Saltwater and Reef …
2018年10月3日 · I've been tracking my green slimer growth each month since I got it. Here's the latest update:
Let’s Get This Green Slimer Growing! - REEF2REEF Saltwater and …
2019年7月13日 · Well it’s been a few months and my tank went through a rough patch. It’s on the mend now and my green slimer is growing like crazy! I also have a small Red Planet nub that is taking off. I love watching coral grow!
Not-so-green slimer dying off, where to look first | Reef2Reef
2021年5月2日 · Hello everyone, I recently acquired a 65g tall tank from a friend. At one time the tank looked great, but recently it had been pretty neglected and a lot of his corals weren’t doing too great, one of them being a green slimer that lost …
Green slimer placement - REEF2REEF Saltwater and Reef Aquarium …
2009年4月12日 · How far under water level would be a good spot to place green slimer for long term growth?. I need a good starting point. I don't want to get out my hedge trimmers every 2 months. My tank hight is 27 in.
Green Slimer Acropora SPS Coral - REEF2REEF Saltwater and Reef …
2019年9月8日 · If you're thinking of starting out with Acro's my suggestion is a Green Slimer Acropora SPS coral like this one. The Green Slimer Acropora is not as delicate to keep as other Acro's and will tolerate certain differences in water parameter differences. Thanks for checking out my recent and...
Is green slimer dying? - REEF2REEF Saltwater and Reef Aquarium …
2024年1月22日 · Is my green slimer dying? tank is 3 months old currently have a frag of gsp which is growing beautifully. Also should mention that I’m completely new to saltwater. I have a 13.5 gal eco also have two clownfish a hermit and turbo snails. After reading online I’m thinking maybe my tank is still...
Long time dead corals suddenly come back to life
2023年5月16日 · I have a green slimer coral frag that wasn't in the best condition when I received it and had turned black in color. I just didn't bother with it because it kind of blended in with the rock scape. As my water quality has improved after adopting the Korallen-Zucht coral care system. The green slimmer is regrowing.
Green Bali slimer brown - REEF2REEF Saltwater and Reef Aquarium …
2023年12月25日 · Hello everyone , Recently my green Bali slimer acro turned a bit brown on the base , the polyps are still expanding nice and fluffy but the base color is weird , I had it for like 8 weeks now did well even has health green points , but my millepora and plating acro are both doing extremely well...