FPbase FRET Calculator
An interactive fluorescence spectra viewer and Förster radius calculator to visualize Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) between fluorescent proteins.
Pairs of FRET probes | Download Table - ResearchGate
Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a phenomenon used for bioimaging ranging from single molecules to in vivo scale. A large variety of organic dyes and fluorescent proteins are available...
A Guide to Fluorescent Protein FRET Pairs - PMC - PubMed …
Three main types of fluorophores have been used as FRET pairs in FRET biosensors: small organic dyes, fluorescent proteins (FPs), and quantum dots (QDs). Unlike dyes and QDs, FPs are genetically encoded and can be particularly useful in live cell FRET imaging.
Table 2: [Common donor/acceptor pairs for FRET and TR-FRET…
Bethesda (MD): Eli Lilly & Company and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences; 2004-. Adapted from Invtrogen.com (FRET; Alexa dyes) and Cysbio (TR-FRET); 2 Ro is the distance at which FRET efficiency is 50%.
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a valuable tool for determining intramolecular and intermolecular distances in the range 10–100A ̊. It is particularly valuable for measuring changes in molecular distance such as conformational changes in proteins.
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)—Note 1.2
When the donor and acceptor are the same, FRET can be detected by the resulting fluorescence depolarization. Typical values of R 0 for some dye pairs are listed in Table 1 and more extensive compilations are in R<0> values for some Alexa Fluor dyes—Table 1.6 and R<0> values for QSY and dabcyl quenchers—Table 1.11 .
Table 2. [Common Donor/Acceptor pairs for intracellular FRET].
Comparison of miniaturized time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer and enzyme-coupled luciferase high-throughput screening assays to discover inhibitors of Rho-kinase II (ROCK-II).
Table 2, [Properties of select FRET pairs...]. - Assay Guidance …
Properties of select FRET pairs. Several donor and acceptor fluorophores are listed for each FRET pair with corresponding excitation and emission wavelengths and the R0 distance for FRET. View in own window
FRET - SETA BioMedicals
Our FRET pairs have a broad range of Förster distances from 40 to 80 Angstrom. Examples of representative Seta dye FRET pairs with calculated Förster distances, excitation and emission wavelength of representative donors and acceptors are listed in the Table below.
List of commonly used and large-r 0 FP-based FRET pairs.
Förster or fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) technology and genetically encoded FRET biosensors provide a powerful tool for visualizing signaling molecules in live cells with high...