  1. Muscle Size and Strength Standards for Ectomorphs

    • Before we can talk about how much muscle “ectomorphs” can build, we need to understand what sets us apart from the average guy. The main difference is that by the time the average man reaches adulthood, he’s … 展开

    Muscular Genetic Potential For Ectomorphs

    Now we’ve arrived at the issue of our genetic muscular potential. As naturally skinny hardgainers, how far away from our genetic potential are we? After all, it doesn’t matter how clos… 展开

    Bony to Beastly
    How Strong Can An Ectomorph Get with A Year of lifting?

    Most ectomorphs are able to laugh at the muscle growth standards, shooting way past them. With average male strength standards, though, we have the opposite problem: they se… 展开

    Bony to Beastly
    Why Do So Many Ectomorphs Struggle to Bulk Up?

    The good news is that it has nothing to do with genetic variation.As I mentioned above, even if you’re an ectomorph, you can almost certainly still get your bench press over 300 p… 展开

    Bony to Beastly