In her letter to the editor, Victoria Adams evades that tyrants like Vladimir Putin and Ali Khamenei do not want peace – they ...
Fibres & Beyond is gearing up for this year's edition of Consider the Lilies, an annual fibre arts show held in Metchosin.
According to Sooke Mayor Maja Tait, the district already pays into CRD’s transportation services, which mostly cover trails, ...
"The brand name itself has a story," stated Nelson. "'Premium Culture' is because the Indigenous culture is not ordinary but ...
I, like all Canadians, rejoiced when Gretzky and his teammates brought the Stanley Cup back home to Canada and led our ...
Joseph, whose ancestral name is Styawat, is an ethnobotanist, researcher, activist and Indigenous founder of Skwalwen ...
My late wife Carrole and I first landed in Sooke in the summer of 2002. One of the first things that we discovered was the ...
I can't give someone a dollar if their cost of living is higher than mine. Last year, the cost of living for my wife and ...
In response to your editorial “It’s about time to quit moving clocks ahead,” I must say that I could not agree more. It would ...
Hundreds of Americans and Canadians showed up at the Peace Arch- Blaine border crossing Saturday to show their support for ...
In the late 1970s, a new, heavier subgenre of metal began to take over the San Francisco Bay Area metal scene, a genre that ...
The B.C. Appeal Court opted to uphold privacy rights over the religious freedoms of two Jehovah's Witnesses congregations ...