Most young and older adults who want a jolt of energy in the morning or afternoon will drink a cup of hot coffee or tea. If that doesn't pep them up, they may have a second or third cup. But those who ...
A serious workout can leave athletes sore and can even lead to muscle damage. Fortunately, certain nutrients and supplements can be key players in postexercise recovery. That euphoric, revved-up ...
When it comes to nutrition analysis software, one size definitely does not fit all. The following are just a few factors to consider when choosing the best software for you. All of the software ...
Succumbing to the disease’s devastating consequences has become a way of life in certain parts of the world. But it doesn’t have to be, and for some populations touched by the Diabetes Wellness ...
The chronic diseases of our era—from heart disease and diabetes to cancer and obesity—have their roots in nutrition. But don’t forget that nutrition has its roots in the soil. Healthy soil grows ...
Research on faddy juice diets and other toxin-ridding regimens is going nowhere fast, and skeptics even question their safety. Those hell-bent on detoxing should do so under professional supervision ...
Experts examine whether alternative approaches can cure the disease or at least send it into remission. John couldn’t seem to quench his thirst no matter how much water he drank. With his wife’s ...
When I was in my early 20s, I had little enthusiasm for cooking but a lot for eating. So when my mother introduced me to smoked paprika, I paid little attention ...
Researchers have found that a newly developed diet inspired by the eating habits of non-industrialised societies can significantly reduce the risk of a number of chronic diseases -- and are to share ...
Today's Dietitian is doing its part to push the fiber intake of Americans with its fabulous list of the highest fiber foods people should be eating today. Many areas of nutrition tend to elicit ...
For clients diagnosed with celiac disease and nonceliac gluten sensitivity, following a gluten-free diet is a lifelong endeavor. When individuals with celiac disease ingest gluten, a protein in wheat, ...