MONTEREY — Highland County Public Schools surveyed students in grades 5 through 10 to gauge interest in Career and Technical Education classes. Highland High School principal Timothy Good told the ...
• March 9 — Sgt. Smith assisted wrecker service with traffic control on Bolars Draft Road. • March 9 — Sgt. Smith and Deputy Plecker responded to the Bath/Alleghany line for a report of a vehicle ...
• The Highland County Maple Festival got off to a good start last weekend, with crowds only slightly down in spite of bad weather conditions. The whole area was covered by a blanket of ice, snow and ...
The results are in and the water in the Monterey water system is safe to use. “I just got my sample back and it’s good,” said mayor Jay Garber just before noon on Thursday. The boil water advisory is ...
Covington Middle 14, Breckinridge Middle 3. Jemma Rogers had two hits and Jeslyn Vess added one in the Cougars’ win at the Jackson River Sport Complex. Miyah Howard and Alyssa Shifflett, a pair of ...
Part of the Sunday crowd at Highland’s Maple Festival, estimated at from 3,500 to 4,000 is shown in this picture taken at the front of the Monterey Hotel. (Recorder file photo) Editor’s note: The ...
The basketball teams at Highland and Bath high schools were well represented on the All-Pioneer District teams released last week. The Rams and Chargers combined for nine selections, led by Highland ...
Confused on the steps needed to make maple syrup? Shelley Thomas’ preschool class is helping you out this week. Here are their instructions. • Find a maple tree. Poke a hole in the tree. Put bucket on ...
George Wythe’s boys started the Class 1, Region C tournament with a win over Highland. The Maroon girls began their postseason journey with a victory over Bath County. Friday afternoon, the teams from ...
Editor, The Recorder, After reading the five-part housing shortage series in the Recorder, I want to provide my detailed comments. It is the BAR attorney profession and the people who use them who ...
The Schoppmeyer Memorial Golf Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, April 26, at Cliff View Golf Club and Inn. Tee times are available at 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. Interested teams can contact Eric ...
Highland Medical Center learned it had been bestowed with a national honor from the American Cancer Society. HMC received a “Health System Partner of the Year Award” from the ACS, one of only two such ...