Yesterday the Curriculum and Assessment Review Panel published its interim report. The Royal Society of Biology has ...
The Royal Society of Biology’s annual Voice of the Future event – where Parliamentarians are questioned by early career STEM ...
Four bioscience winners were selected from 30 finalists at the annual STEM for BRITAIN competition for early career ...
David Kuntin on how he and his colleagues have cut the amount of plastic their lab sends to landfill each year by more than a tonne The Biologist 65(6) p28-31 Biology laboratories rely heavily on ...
Welcome to the RSB's A-Z of the Biosciences video series! Each video focusses on a different area of biology, with our biologists sharing the highlights of their work. Each video has details of the ...
Attending a face to face training course can develop your skills and knowledge and provide opportunities for you to network and learn from others. Below is a list of the RSB training topics, subject ...
The Royal Society of Biology has announced the winners of this year’s Photography Competition, with two amateur photographers named as Photographer and Young Photographer of the Year. The Royal ...
Beth Shapiro, chief scientist at the de-extinction start-up Colossal, talks to Tom Ireland about the science and ethics of recreating long-lost species in a lab Professor Beth Shapiro is an ...
Winner: Jiyoo Erin Lee, age 10, from Seoul Foreign School, South Korea Highly commended: Eugene Han, age 11, from Seoul Foreign School, South Korea Highly commended: Jasmine Wills, age 11, from ...
In May 2016 Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys FRS Hon FRSB, inventor of DNA fingerprinting, shared his inspiring story with Dr Alison Woollard FRSB and an audience of over 300 people at a special ...