MSTD is responsible for the operations of a number of core capabilities at ORNL. With its world-leading core expertise, MSTD staff support the missions of all eight of the lab's science and technology ...
In the race to identify solutions to the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory are joining the fight by applying expertise in computational science ...
MDF is a world leader in advanced manufacturing research and development and is driving the adoption of new materials, software, and systems for energy applications. Companies of all sizes can ...
The Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate (FFESD) addresses compelling challenges in fission and fusion energy systems, enabling Oak Ridge National Laboratory to pursue national priorities ...
The Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) Workbench is a Graphical User Interface and analysis sequence processor that will facilitate the transition from conventional tools to ...
Advanced sensors and sensor networks will revolutionize manufacturing by providing industry the tools necessary to understand and optimize efficiency and lower operational costs. ORNL's research ...
Ever since physicist Ernest Rutherford discovered the atomic nucleus in 1911, studying its structure and behavior has remained a challenging task. More than a century later, even with today’s ...
The US is among seven partner nations in ITER, an unprecedented international collaboration of scientists and engineers working to design, construct, and assemble a reactor-scale burning plasma ...
Addressing system software challenges for scientific instruments and facilities. This group collaborates with computer, computational, instrument and domain science experts across CSMD, ORNL, other ...
The Quantum Information Science Section is focused on foundational quantum theory and experiment in the areas of quantum computing, quantum networking, and quantum sensing. The section applies its ...
Delivers scalable computational solutions to biomedical and healthcare delivery challenges. The Advanced Computing for Health Sciences section harnesses ORNL computing and data expertise to accelerate ...