Cough associated with acute and chronic respiratory conditions is common in patients of all ages. Levocloperastine is a novel antitussive with a pharmacological profile distinct from that of the ...
The majority of women with uterine fibroids are asymptomatic, consequently get less clinical attention and fibroid tumors often remain undiagnosed. [23,24] Symptomatic women typically complain ...
When giving gluteal injections, it is safest to use the upper outer quadrant. The choice of site for injection must be based on good clinical judgment, using the best evidence available and ...
Differentiating between ICD and ACD is often difficult in the clinical setting, thus misleading the physician with respect to cause and preventative strategy. The diagnosis of CD depends on ...
American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) certifies individual nurses, recognizes healthcare organizations for nursing excellence through the Magnet Recognition Program ® and Pathway to ...
Background Medical management of GERD mainly uses proton pump inhibitors. Alginates also have proven efficacy. The aim of this trial was to compare short-term efficacy of an alginate (Gaviscon ...
Agents that affect the CNS, including antidepressants and antipsychotics, are often prescribed for patients undergoing surgical procedures. The results of a recent survey conducted at a large ...
Alendronate has been shown to increase bone mineral density (BMD) and decrease fracture risk in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, but the need for long-term treatment is unclear, especially ...
Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Four Different Treatment Strategies in Patients With Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (the Best Study): A Randomized, Controlled Trialfrom Arthritis & Rheumatism.
Used clinically since the 1920s, corticosteroids interrupt multiple steps in immune activation because of the ubiquitous expression of corticosteroid receptors. Corticosteroids inhibit antigen ...
Genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections are frequently asymptomatic or undiagnosed, but more than half the US population is seropositive for HSV, and about one-fifth are positive for HSV-2.
Geriatrics and Aging. 2005;8(6):43-45. Is the treatment still indicated or has the diagnosis been refuted? For example, a putative diagnosis of angina may have subsequently been disproved.