A property tax levy that funds a fingerprint identification system for local law enforcement agencies will go before King ...
In recent years, CBD (cannabidiol) has emerged as a natural remedy, capturing the attention of health enthusiasts and ...
Educators with such certification receive an extra $6,324 a year plus another $5,000 if they work in a high-poverty school.
Ultra-Low-Lag: Comcast recently introduced the first customers in the world to a pioneering new feature of Xfinity Internet ...
High rent is the number one issue community members bring to Eastside For All and our nonprofit partners.
Some publications charge a fee to list your notice in print. The fee is based on many variables (type effects, photos, and the size of the notice). Once we receive your notice, we will contact you ...
Contact us via mail or phone: Kirkland Reporter 11630 Slater Ave. N.E. Suite 8/9 Kirkland, WA 98034 425.822.9166 To read sports news, please visit http://www ...
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