A thick, creamy beverage popular on the Azim Steppe made from steeped fermented tea leaves and a generous helping of dzo milk. EXP Bonus: +3% Duration: 30m (Duration can be extended to 60m by ...
A traditional dish of the Highland Hyur consisting of a thick cut of aldgoat chuck charred over an open flame. EXP Bonus: +3% Duration: 30m (Duration can be extended to 60m by consuming multiple ...
A large piece of cured beastkin skin blessed by a primal. Available for Purchase with gil No Sells for 3 gil ...
A tiny seed rich in aromatic oil, sesame is native to Meracydia, and thought to have first been brought to Eorzea by migrating Miqo'te.
A crystallized mass of residual spiritbond energies transferred to an article of weaponry or armor by its exceptionally skilled maker during the crafting process.
Is it Fortnite armor in Destiny or Destiny armor in Fortnite? The answer is probably both, but thanks to toda... Since its launch in December 2023, the LEGO Fortnite game mode has offered one of the ...
This bottle is holding what appears to be an unusually valuable leather map. ※Use the action Decipher to extract the map and examine its contents. ※Level 90 full party (eight players) recommended.
Scarves of mist gusted through the Tower bazaar. It was quiet: The civilians had taken shelter hours ago when the rain was coming down in earnest, and most Guardians still awake had congregated in the ...
A database of all materials in Final Fantasy XIV. Most of these are ingredients that Disciples of the Hand use in their crafting efforts, but some like the Airships and Submersibles are parts of a ...
CZ: Rasputin has been neutralized. What that means exactly, time will tell. FWC-L2: A glorious tragedy. May it rise to fight again. DO-AJ: I trust you have another plan, Commander? Hopefully a more ...