Skin shed from a gargantuan and ancient species of serpent.
Raptor Skin Leather - Item Level 44 Details The tough hide of a raptor.
A blood-soaked leather grimoire cover retrieved from the site of a gruesome battle. Available for Purchase with gil No Sells for 16 gil ...
Assorted materials needed to create the various components of a harpoon. Available for Purchase with gil No Sells for 3 gil ...
A softly glowing light fixture crafted to resemble one of the many lovely flowers in the pixies' home. Available for Purchase with gil No Sells for 60 gil ...
A traditional dish of the Highland Hyur consisting of a thick cut of aldgoat chuck charred over an open flame. EXP Bonus: +3% Duration: 30m (Duration can be extended to 60m by consuming multiple ...
The seedling of a squat shrub favored by topiarists across the realm for its bright-green leaves and dense web of tiny branches.
A thick, creamy beverage popular on the Azim Steppe made from steeped fermented tea leaves and a generous helping of dzo milk. EXP Bonus: +3% Duration: 30m (Duration can be extended to 60m by ...
Mills Webster Mills is a lifelong fan of all things video games, especially the Final Fantasy franchise. After playing his favorite entry in the series, Final Fantasy VIII, for the first time in the ...
A crystallized mass of residual spiritbond energies transferred to an article of weaponry or armor by the Good King Moggle Mog XII during its creation.
This moss-covered log is clearly the deliberately cut remnant of a towering tree. Less clear is how it came to be lodged at the bottom of the sea.
A large piece of cured beastkin skin blessed by a primal.