Ein Häuschen auf dem Mond? So ein hübsches kleines, mit weißen Fensterläden, einer grünen Tür und sonst ganz in Rot ...
In diesem Jahr beschert uns der Frühlingsmonat März gleich zwei Finsternisse: am 14. März eine Mondfinsternis, deren totale ...
The department High-Speed Electronics comprises the Institute’s expertise in the development of focal plane units and detector electronics for VIS/NIR satellite cameras. It evolved from the department ...
As part of the oLAF project, DLR has been investigating intelligent load control systems for aircraft. These systems make aircraft more efficient and comfortable for passengers by detecting wind gusts ...
The three-kilometre-thick ice sheet covering Mars's north pole is young, formed between 2 and 12 million years ago. The ice sheet is bending the rocky crust beneath at a rate of 0.13 millimetres per ...
On 2 March 2025 at 9:34 CET, the private New Space company Firefly Aerospace successfully landed its Blue Ghost probe on the northeast of the Moon's near side, on behalf of NASA. DLR is involved in ...
The German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) Institute of Transportation Systems has equipped a junction on the Braunschweig inner city ring road with technology that ...
The ServiceMaritimeEmissionsForecaster (MEF) analyses which combinations of measures are most suitable for different ship types and sizes, taking into account their ...
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) Königswinterer Straße 522-524 53227 Bonn ...
In order to counteract air pollution and the resulting health consequences, measures are needed in urban areas to maintain mobility, and the AirQualityLive (AQL) service enables particle emissions to ...
DLR's concept allows collaborative robots to yield without being forced back to their original position like a mechanical spring. In robotics, compliance refers to a robot's ability to adapt its ...
Negative experiences with intermodal journeys can lead to more use of private transport. However, city planners and transport operators often do not have access to digital experience data to respond ...