Whistleblowing is the commonly used term for reporting on or exposing malpractice in the workplace – this could be something improper, illegal or negligent. The vast majority of veterinary surgeons ...
The British Veterinary Association (BVA) has published its full joint response to five ‘working papers’ published by the ...
The BVA Young Vet of the Year award in partnership with Zoetis highlights the outstanding work of young vets who are making a significant contribution whether in their workplace or the wider ...
The Dangerous Dogs Act (1991) was introduced in the UK following a series of serious, and in some cases fatal, dog attacks on humans. The Act has been widely discredited for failing to address the ...
It is essential for sheep health and welfare, that any procedures having the potential to create pain and suffering should be balanced against the need for that procedure. Castration and tail-docking ...
Any movement of livestock will have an impact on their health and welfare. The distances that livestock keepers move animals vary widely, from local area movements (for example to pastures, markets, ...
Most injuries seen in daily practice are the result of genuine accidents but veterinary surgeons will sometimes see cases of deliberate abuse or non-accidental injury (NAI). Since early intervention ...
The BVA Ionising Radiations guide is easy to use and written by vets who are radiation protection advisors (RPA). This is the third edition of the guide, which explains the key changes that are now in ...
Neutering is the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancies, in both cats and dogs. But some owners may be anxious about making this decision on behalf of their pets. They may be concerned about ...
We have 38 panellists in the UK and Ireland who can perform CHS eye examinations and issue you with an official certificate for your dog. You can book an eye examination appointment directly with a ...
Work experience is the short-term placement of secondary school students with employers, to provide an insight into the veterinary profession and the veterinary workplace. Students are placed with ...
We’ve joined forces with BSAVA and BVZS to spread the word on the importance of providing companionship for pet rabbits. We’re also doing our own bit of myth busting by encouraging owners not to house ...