Federal funding for biomedical research pays off by enabling basic discoveries that lead to lifesaving treatments, writes ...
Johns Hopkins biomedical engineers use federal funding to pioneer immunotherapies that could free diabetes patients from ...
Federally funded research at Johns Hopkins offers new avenues for detecting brain disease long before it strikes.
It was during a research semester abroad in Stockholm, home of the Nobel Prize, that molecular biologist Jeff Coller discovered “scientist” was a viable career path for him, and it was a discovery ...
Johns Hopkins Medicine laboratory scientists say they have developed a potential new way to treat a variety of rare genetic ...
Rachel Karchin, a Johns Hopkins professor of biomedical engineering, oncology, and computer science, has been named a fellow of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) and was ...
Hopkins BME students go on to become leaders in industry, medicine, and science, all with a passion for solving problems.
America's biomedical research engine has produced lifesaving treatments for cancer and other diseases. Cuts to funding harm the lives and futures of Americans.