It's OTTWeekender time! Is there a new hope for Atomic Mass Games' Star Wars: Legion? Some brand new plastic sets are coming soon for the classic Rebels and the Galactic Empire for those who want to ...
A commission that I thought would be fun! Necrons for a super-competitive gamer who doesn’t like to paint.
We take a look at some of the excellent pre-painted Hextech terrain from Gale Force 9 that would be perfect for use with ...
Ragnarok Miniatures ' awesome Trolls are now available for you to snap up from the folks at Gripping Beast . Colin Patten's ...
The Reaper Bones collection is packed with loads of miniatures that you could use as characters in narrative games like ...
Dark Art Studios are going to be launching a Frontiers campaign soon which will give you access to some undead miniatures ...
Artel W Miniatures are celebrating eight years of doing what they do! To celebrate that, they have an excellent new set of ...
Mantic Games put out some new information on what's planned for Halo: Flashpoint when it comes to organised play AND where ...
Great Escape Games introduced a new set of miniatures into the mix for those playing games of Dead Man's Hand with a bit of a ...
A friend bought a Bolt Action starter set and I decided to buy an army. Initially I was going British, but as I'm running Achtung Cthulhu and they are headed to the desert at some point I decide to ...
Gerry is joined by the team from Cubicle 7 to take a first look at the plans for the Warhammer: The Horus Heresy Roleplaying Game which is planned to be released in 2026. The designers dive into why ...