Одни из крупнейших в Европе производителей строительной пены и герметиков — эстонский Krimelte построил новое здание таллиннского завода и собирается и в дальнейшем наращивать объемы ...
The exhibition "Zoo Photography. Kaunas. The Last Decade of the Soviet Era" will take place in Vilnius from February 11 till April 3, 2011, in Lithuanian National Art Gallery, as its statement says.
This is it, my friends! It happened! We finally found someone willing to take over and continue our business. In the year of our 25th anniversary, in June – precisely the month the first ever issue of ...
Недавно мне пришлось оформлять визу для поездки в Великобританию. Дело это оказалось хлопотным. И без посторонней помощи обойтись не удалось. Хочу поделиться некоторыми нюансами, которые ...
Chinece manufacturer of video and surveillance equipment Hikvision Singapore Pte Ltd has been granted permission by the Estonian Competition Authority to acquire the Baltic security systems wholesaler ...
In August, the Port of Riga handled a record volume of wood pellets. During a single month, port terminals managed to handle more than 200,000 tonnes of pellets. Also, year on year this cargo group ...
Случайно или нет, но вслед за нашим обширным обзором ресторанного бизнеса, компания Lursoft подготовила свой анализ отрасли общественного питания в Латвии. БК предлагает сокращенный перевод ...
Владельцы квартир, домов, земельных участков, гаражей и другой недвижимой собственности ежегодно должны платить налог на свою недвижимость. Для одних это очередная платежка в пачке счетов ...
Latvia's building materials and household goods chain Depo is opening its biggest store in the Baltic states in Vilnius on April 16th, making it the third store in Lithuania. According to information ...
AS Elme Messer Gaas, joint venture of Germany's Messer Group and BLRT Grupp of Estonia, opened a liquid gas filling station in Riga and the total volume of investments was 6 million euros, of which ...
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has raised all three Baltic states' GDP growth forecasts for this and next year, with Latvia expected to show the fastest growth among ...
The Latvian Supreme Court has granted a EUR 15 million claim against Reverta (formerly Parex Bank) filed by Rems Kargins, son of Parex Bank’s former shareholder Valerijs Kargins, reports LETA. If the ...