In an open letter posted to the Instagram’s of Academia for Palestine Trinity and Academics for Palestine Ireland, they state ...
On count 2, RON’s lead over O’Leary was closing, and Keegan was eliminated. “Seán or RON” reverberated through the walls and ...
For international students, the financial burden begins long before they even set foot in Dublin. While Irish and EU students ...
While law and business students often conjure up the image of hurriedly sending out polished résumés to well-known firms, ...
They collaborated on their final year project to create Cailíní, a devised piece that explored familial relationships, ...
Holly, Rhian, and Fiona are all experiencing this as their debut plays take to the DU Players’ stage in the next few weeks.
MILK مِلْك has toured from Haifa to the Venice Biennale to the Festival d’Avignon and now Dublin. The production is bound for ...
A pest control van was sighted on campus today . A worker for the Elis company confirmed that there’s a problem with ants, ...
It was ambitious, professional, and moving — a brilliant night of theatre that will encourage us to seek out future offerings from Trinity Musical Theatre Society.
Pádraig Mac Brádaigh and Daniel Walsh of the Students’ Union are both running to be Officers of Congress within the Union of ...
Colours Boat Races will take place on Saturday, 22 nd March, constituting a Trinity-UCD face-off on the Liffey. The annual ...