The BHS All Night Graduation Committee is hosting a dine and donate fundraiser at Panera in Bedford from 4 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25.
The public is invited to hearings starting on Monday for three Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning of Bedford Public School finalists.
The Hanscom Field Advisory Commission worked on their lead statement and heard about an upcoming taxiway paving project at ...
Annual Town Meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, March 24, in the Bedford High School Auditorium. If necessary, the ...
“Our hearts say we’d love to fund everyone, we just don’t have the ability,” he noted about the budget process. “We are all ...
Eversource started constructing new underground electric conduits this week in order to remove the two utility poles in front ...
Dot Bergin is reading Alexei Navalny's memoir this month in Dot's Reading Room. She finds that the "writing is both light hearted and ultimately tragic." ...
Betting used to be confined to placing bets in Las Vegas, or entering an office pool or finding a bookie. That all changed in ...