You can now search the 52nd edition of the Professional Development Opportunities in EdTech Education by Contact North I Contact Nord Research Associate, Clayton R. Wright (crwr77[@], using ...
Contact North | Contact Nord respectfully acknowledges that our work, and the work of our community partners, takes place on traditional Indigenous territories across the province. We are grateful to ...
Teaching and Learning centres found in Ontario’s and Canada’s colleges and universities support their faculty and instructors by offering resources, tools, coaching, and training to help them enhance ...
Journals play an essential role in online and distance learning, crucial tools for sharing the latest in research, innovation, theory, practices, and events. Educators find ideas and connections, ...
Advances in technology and the growth of e-learning to provide educators and trainers with unique opportunities to enhance learning and teaching in corporate, government, healthcare, and higher ...
Throughout the world, more than 65 open universities provide open and equal access to education. Students do not require any formal academic qualifications or credentials in order to be admitted. The ...
30 year teacher veteran, consultant and author. Written for those working with teachers to improve their teaching, these very “hands-on”, practical step-by-step guides are very helpful in helping to ...
Browse through a growing list of 257 books on online learning selected, reviewed and recommended by Contact North | Contact Nord’s team of experts. Use Contact North | Contact Nord’s Searchable ...
Research and innovation in teaching and learning are prime topics for the Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. The Journal was initiated in January 2004 to facilitate ...
Teaching in higher education in a digital age requires a new approach because of changes in the economy and changes in technology. Faculty and instructors are continually facing questions such as “How ...
This book has a focus on schools rather than colleges and universities, but the issues it addresses are the same: what will teaching and learning look like in the age of the intelligent (smart) ...