MORATTICO—Kay Walters Shelton, 80, of Moratticopassed away Saturday, March 8, 2025, after a courageousbattle with health. She was preceded in death by her parents, WilliamAlbert and Emily Pittman ...
The Rappahannock Record's website,, receives over 200,000 page views each month!
The Rappahannock Record's website,, receives over 200,000 page views each month!
A $1.1 million Virginia Department of Transportation project to enhance safety, reduce congestion and improve mobility at Main Street and James B. Jones Memorial Highway in Kilmarnock was scheduled to ...
The show print “Four Sons working the Rappahannock” by John Obolewicz will be given to all visitors at the Northern Neck Waterfowl & Wildlife Expo March 15-16 at the White Stone Firehouse, 579 ...
Northumberland supervisors called a special meeting last week to discuss just how the county and schools will move forward with corrective action plans as a result of the recently completed forensic ...
The Lancaster school board on Monday, March 10, unanimously recommended a $20,969,588 budget, a 2.61% increase over the current budget, with no change in local funding of $14,236,492. As proposed, the ...
Assistant superintendent Karen Leslie on Monday, March 10, announced Northumberland High School science teacher Rebekah Jones has been named high school teacher of the year as well as district teacher ...
This is an election year for several seats in local government. Voter registrars for Lancaster and Northumberland counties confirmed the deadline to file for local office is 7 p.m. on June 17. The ...
The second phase of the town’s public sewage project is moving into the request for bid phase, town manager Patrick Frere told council at its March 6 meeting. According to Frere, an advertisement for ...
The Wren Masters, a baroque trio from Williamsburg, will return to Historic Christ Church (HCC) in Weems at 4 p.m. April 5 with “Textures of the Baroque,” featuring the music of Buxtehude, Schmelzer, ...
Sundays at Two, sponsored by the Lancaster Community Library, will resume March 16 at the Lancaster Community Library, 16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock. Michael Conlin, chief technology officer for ...