Please remember that your self-care space could come in the form of a room, a self-care closet, or even an easily-accessible ...
A couple of months before my 16 th birthday my mom got me the most amazing gift any teenager could want: a car. It was a 12-year-old Nissan and was nothing fancy, but it was a car, it was red, and it ...
I have lived in the midwest my whole life, growing up in Illinois and attending college in Iowa. I am used to the saying, "If you don’t like the weather, wait an hour and it’ll change" — which is ...
Most people jump at the opportunity to travel to an interesting destination for fun or work. Whether you are a natural traveler or a homebody, most of us occasionally need to travel for family matters ...
I’ve spent my whole life with joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. In my younger years, it was chalked up to growing pains or injuries from being athletic. It wasn’t until I was 30 years old and ...
When you explore Dr. Google for general information about rheumatoid arthritis, you will often see references to the term "flare." Many general information websites discuss flares as if patients with ...
I am not a good sick person. Now, this might seem bonkers considering I am a 3-decade alum of living with rheumatoid arthritis, but it’s true, and right now I am going through it. I have a full-blown ...
I have had issues with my teeth ever since my RA diagnosis (circa 2010). I went from perfect pearly whites to hell in my mouth in the span of a few months. But, I learned this was one of the cute ...
Several community members commented on those articles, sharing such similar stories, saying that they felt seen and heard in my sharing this seemingly ridiculous journey I've been on. To be honest, ... is a Health Union community. Health Union reaches millions of people through condition-specific online health communities and a Social Health Network of patient leaders across ...
Let me tell you — I’ve had a time-and-a-half with this uterus. As I detailed in my previous article, in a last-ditch effort, we tried an IUD to control my abnormal bleeding. How do you think it turned ...
Meet friends at your local ice cream shop, sit outside, and play cards while you enjoy your cones. Have a summertime movie night where everyone dresses as a stereotypical “tourist”. Think Hawaiian ...