Climate change is here and it’s only going to get worse. We need to stop fighting what already is a lost cause and instead spend our scarce resources on preparations for the climate catastrophe that ...
As the Revere High Drama Club prepares for their upcoming production of Grease, they had an opportunity to step back into time thanks to the residents of the Jack Satter House. During February ...
Revere is a city with a proud identity, shaped by the unique needs and dynamics of our residents. Under Article 89 of the Massachusetts Constitution, we have the right—through home rule—to govern in ...
Middle School students at the Susan B. Anthony (SBA) recently heard from over a dozen state and city leaders as part of the annual Community Outreach civics event. The guests spent the morning at the ...
For Kids Only Afterschool (FKO) is excited to have received of Mass General Brigham Community Health Impact Funds for a groundbreaking new out-of-school time (OST) apprenticeship that is advancing ...
Last week, the city council agreed to discuss conveying the five properties to the Revere Affordable Housing Trust Fund’s Board of Trustees at a future meeting of its economic development subcommittee ...
During his address, Mayor Keefe will cover the work he has done to improve Revere neighborhoods, including the revitalization of McMackin Field, and the soon-to-open Alden A. Mills Point of Pines Fire ...
El 13 de marzo, amigos, familiares y líderes comunitarios se reunieron en Las Delicias Colombianas en Revere para celebrar el cumpleaños del concejal Juan Pablo Jaramillo. El evento fue un gran éxito, ...
Immaculate Conception School (IC) Boys Junior Varsity and Girls Varsity Basketball Teams won the Middlesex League regional championships earlier this March.
AIR, Inc., Mother’s Out Front, GreenRoots, Friends of Belle Isle Marsh, and other member organizations of the Logan Community Clean Air Coalition wish to endorse Massport’s proposal to institute ...
Last year, Governor Maura Healey signed the Affordable Housing Acts. Part of that act requires that all municipalities allow the construction of ADUs, sometimes known as in-law apartments, in any zone ...