The first Friday before sunset, David and his daughter took the nets in and headed to shore. His fellow fishermen thought he ...
Since launching the K–12 grant program in 2016, Versacare Foundation has awarded 926 grants to NAD and IAD schools totaling ...
Jeff Fogelquist is the new North Pacific Union chief financial officer, bringing fresh insights, a financial software ...
BECK — Edwin C., 95; born April 3, 1923, Medina, N.D.; died Oct. 14, 2018, College Place, Wash. Surviving: wife of 70 years, Jacquelyn (Faucher); son and daughter ...
Creators Lab took place Feb. 21–23, 2025, gathering creatives from across the Pacific Northwest and beyond to connect, ...
Bruce and Norma Brunson celebrated 70 years of married on June 16, 2019, in Woodland, Wash., with a reception. Norma Gene Garrett was born in Missouri on April 3, 1931, and Bruce Marvin Brunson was ...
The way that Jesus responded to the question, “Who hurt You?” was with love — unconditional, unimaginable love. Regardless of ...
PULLEY — Dorothy Ellen (Bates), 92; born Dec. 29, 1929, Santa Cruz, California; died Jan. 4, 2022, Kirkland, Washington. Surviving: sons, Dennis Pulley, Negussie ...