The best thing to do when driving in high wind is to go slow, emergency manager Marcy Hostetler said. Taking a county road also is a good idea, she said. “You can take a back road going 25 mph, and ...
Commuting to and from jail can pose problems, especially if you use a stolen vehicle to do it. McPherson resident Holly R. Hamm, 41, was arrested Friday on suspicion of possessing stolen property ...
Heart of America League has named Marion’s Kenna Wesner second-team all league and given Marion’s Luke Wessel honorable mention in basketball.
The board of the Hub youth center in Peabody has rejected a request from the Marion County Record to view security footage about a police encounter. The footage is of a Feb. 8 incident in which ...
But dilapidated conditions are strangely perfect for a garden center. A small greenhouse built in the front room of the building feasts on the sun and open air. So, too, do dozens of plants and ...
It also is Sunshine Week — not just because it includes the first day of spring, when sunlight starts exceeding 12 hours a day, but also to shine a light on openness. What sets democracy apart is our ...
The grant came into dispute after Commerce learned the grant was being administered by a former Commerce employee and convicted felon still on probation in Pennsylvania for forgery, theft, and ...
A graveside service for Marion native William “Bill” Randolph Carpenter Jr., 92, who died March 9 in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, is planned for 1 p.m. Saturday, March 22, at Marion Cemetery. A ...
Lawmakers on both the state and national levels have a responsibility to ensure stable Medicaid funding to keep existing facilities open while, at the same time, investing in community-based services ...
McPherson resident Holly R. Hamm, 41, was arrested Friday on suspicion of possessing stolen property after Cory Howard, Moundridge, called the sheriff’s office to report that his Ford Escape had been ...