Fokkens Pier Music for violin and cello Faur Piano quartet in C minor op 15 Enescu Octet op 7 ...
Rising star Pravanya Pillay’s fascination with the Iraq War and New Labour somewhat surprisingly played into her decision to ditch medicine for comedy. She tells Jay Richardson what a Glasgow ...
What an absolute joy to spend an evening in the company of the scarily talented Arthur Hull, and what a brilliant premise for a show. Hull believes that even the worst musicals contain at least ...
This year’s Glasgow International Comedy Festival is crammed with more than 550 shows. To help visitors navigate this teeming roster, we’ve plucked 15 shows from their listings and grouped ...
PowerPoint is finally redeemed from its dull reputation in this comedy show. Sweeney Preston and Ethan Cavanagh are the perfect hosts to bring slideshows to life; quick-witted with perfect timing ...
Win a pair of tickets to see Tim Rice – My Life In Musicals: I Know Him So Well in Inverness, Stirling, Edinburgh or Glasgow With a show packed full of incredible songs, including ‘Don’t Cry ...
Charisma and Stage Presence - Lessons from a Clown with KIKI LOVECHILD No matter what type of work you specialise in, having charisma and stage presence can be the difference between a decent ...
FEWI is delighted to invite members to our 108th County Annual Meeting. Along with our usual business of the day we are pleased to confirm that our speakers will be BBC Gardener Adam Frost and the ...
Originally from West Yorkshire,SIMON GLEDHILLbegan play the theatre organ as a teenager and has become a regular visitor playing concerts at the New Victoria Centre, having recorded the Wurlitzer ...
After the success of their first ever Safeguarding Conference, Leeder Safeguarding are hosting their next Annual Safeguarding Conference and Networking Event. There will be specialist guest ...
Splat brings together the weirder and wonderfuller edges of the comedy spectrum. Expect clowns (Jeromaia Detto and Poppy Mee both on fine form); characters (the always brilliant Lauren Brady as ...
The first day of the festival features Middleton technology school's version of Sabas Swim written by Danusia Samal and Winstanley College’s version of Raver’s by Rikki Beadle-Blair.