African governments, lawmakers, educators, and other stakeholders, who must commit to establishing inclusive academic testing ...
“Esto sienta un peligroso precedente”: expertos alertan sobre el uso arbitrario de leyes antiguas para criminalizar la migración.
"The condition of the detention cells is very bad. In the cell, there are two layers of bars: an inner layer and an outer ...
"While it’s true that individual action alone cannot offset the environmental damage caused by corporations, irresponsible ...
"Oriente asciende y Occidente desciende" se ha convertido en un lema en las redes sociales chinas mientras el presidente ...
Caribbean leaders appear united with regard to the 40-year-old Cuban Medical Cooperation Programme, with some of them offering to forgo their own US visas in defence of it.
"Esta no era una forma normal de transportar a la gente al aeropuerto para volar de regreso a China y llevar una vida normal" ...
La mutilación genital femenina (MGF) sigue siendo un problema significativo en Gambia. Según UNICEF, aproximadamente el 76% de las niñas y mujeres de entre 15 a 49 años fueron sometidas a esta práctic ...
In a time of political hostility and violence, a samba school in Rio de Janeiro decided to highlight the realities of the ...
Cada año, cientos de adolescentes en Colombia abandonan sus estudios por embarazos no planeados. A los 13 años, decidí que mi ...
Fort Rocky is a historical site and protected area under Jamaican law; it is also a Wetland of International Importance under the United Nations Ramsar Convention.
Pardede became a content creator during the pandemic, but he gained a lot of followers when he started covering the ...