This article discusses why voltage as well as frequency load shedding may be necessary to prevent major system blackouts. It is the first of two articles on the important subjects of power system ...
The impact of the Enron bankruptcy has been both predictable and at the same time somewhat surprising for the marketplace. Short-term energy and commodity prices have seemingly been unaffected by the ...
As the wave of AMI and smart meter deployments begins to crest, many utilities are poised to turn their attention to what is widely anticipated to be the next major focus area for Smart Grid projects ...
Many dielectric and mechanical failures in large power transformers are preceded by mechanical changes in the winding structure. These changes, or displacements in the winding structure, may be the ...
Once viewed as a nice, niche product for applications where environmental safety was at a premium, a recent trend reveals more and more power companies turning to natural ester fluids as a transformer ...
When the initial Urgent Action 1200 standard was issued by NERC following the 9-11 attacks, it was primarily focused on protecting Energy Control Centers (ECCs) and their associated SCADA/EMS systems.
The utility industry has been on a roller coaster ride for much of the past few years. Caught in the midst of fitfully starting and stopping deregulation, aging infrastructure, higher than ever demand ...
Market restructuring and regulatory requirements are changing the way utilities operate. At the center of industry change is the Customer Information System, often referred to as the CIS. By upgrading ...
Electric Energy T&D Magazine serves the fields of electric utilities, investor owned, rural and other electric cooperatives, municipal electric utilities, independent power producers, electric ...
Industrial electrical equipment is often affected by power supply disturbances, most notably voltage sags. Numerous Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) studies have found that common, general ...
Use of the arc reflection method combined with a high capacitance surge generator and state-of-the-art pinpointing devices for underground cable fault locating will find faults in less time and with ...
In today’s changing utility environment, one thing remains constant - electric utilities are continually looking for better ways to increase transmission capacity to satisfy the ever-growing demand ...