Polk County officials are urging some residents who live near uncontrolled fires to "leave now" as two of the fires surge ...
N.C. Forest Service has issued a statewide burn ban while three substantial, uncontained wildfires prompt mandatory ...
Some school systems in Western North Carolina are closed Friday, March 21, due to winter weather impacts. Madison County ...
"This funding is a promising step forward in the long road to recovery for Western North Carolina," Gov. Josh Stein said in a March 19 statement.
City Council will vote to accept a $2.8 million loan from the state March 25 to aid in Tropical Storm Helene-related expenses ...
News and events from Asheville brewery and restaurant industry, including Wicked Weed Brewing's plan to reopen Funkatorium.
The center is open seven days a week from 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. with last admission at 3:30 p.m. Friends members can enter the ...
Christopher M. Craig, an attorney with Craig Associates, PC, in Asheville, said parents of every age need to consider their estate plan and have some important conversations with the people who could ...