As the early days of Donald Trump's second presidency up-ends established norms, Europe is contemplating what it might mean ...
Instead of relying solely on declarations from Washington, the current allies of the USA may begin seeking security ...
The Trump administration’s abandonment of alliances in favor of a transactional, unilateral foreign policy portends the end ...
Poland, which borders Ukraine and has been their close ally since the beginning of the war, is one of the many European ...
Russia has dispersed its vast collection of nuclear weapons - including ICBMs, submarines, and bombers - at military bases ...
It’s a new day in Europe. Gone are the halcyon years of unshakeable American commitment to Europe’s defense against Russia.
Talk of replacing the American nuclear umbrella over Europe with the small British and French nuclear armories is in the air, ...
The last thing that Trump wants is for the US to be drawn back into another war with Russia after “Pivoting (back) to Asia”, let alone a direct one ...
Tensions between Europe and the U.S. may worsen as Washington may not support Poland in bolstering its defenses against Russia.
As Macron and Merz propose French nuclear-armed jets be stationed in Poland and Germany, the dangerous implications for peace ...
Everyone should understand that if the liberal order falls, the nonproliferation regime would fall with it. And the powers ...