In the high-stakes world of football, where every match counts, Manchester City finds itself at a critical juncture in the Champions League campaign. Recently, the team's locker room has resembled a c ...
Sir Alex Ferguson described Manchester United's 6-1 thrashing 痛击 by rivals Manchester City as his "worst ever day" at the ...
The Red Devils 红魔 overturned a two-goal deficit 落后两个球 to score an injury time winner 伤停补时阶段进的球 in the Community Shield. Every ...
在即将到来的周六,英超联赛将迎来一场备受瞩目的较量,曼彻斯特城(Manchester City)将在主场迎战布赖顿(Brighton & Hove ...
根据《越位》的最新报道,AC米兰在即将到来的夏季转会窗口中决定出售后卫特奥·埃尔南德斯,这一决定吸引了包括Manchester City在内的多家俱乐部的关注。特奥于2019年从皇家马德里转会至米兰,而随着米兰无缘欧冠,俱乐部需要通过出售球员来筹集资金。