Therecognition process is based on the Notice of the GuangdongProvincial Department of Science and Technology on Carrying Out ...
1 天
证券之星股票频道 on MSN杭汽轮B:GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONG KONG) LIMITED目前没有到公司调研证券之星消息,杭汽轮B(200771)03月20日在投资者关系平台上答复投资者关心的问题。 投资者: 公司第五大股东国泰君安香港(GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES (HONG KONG) ...
Having delivered more than 30 billion cubic meters of water to Hong Kong in the past six decades, the Dongjiang-Shenzhen Water Supply Project has been instrumental in safeguarding the city's enduring ...
The Dongjiang-Shenzhen Water Supply Project has delivered more than 30 billion cubic meters of water to Hong Kong over the past six decades, playing a key role in ensuring the city's prosperity and ...
O governo central da China anunciou nesta quinta-feira que duas novas medidas destinadas a facilitar viagens e residência para os residentes de Hong Kong, Macau e Taiwan na parte continental entraram ...
5 天
财联社 on MSN哈啰联合创始人杨磊接盘永安行 蚂蚁集团套现2亿杨磊为哈啰出行的联合创始人、CEO,杨磊通过境外信托安排享有哈啰出行11.84%股权的受益权,同时控制哈啰出行董事会11个董事席位中的5个席位,多于其他股东所控制的董事席位。
2025年3月20日,华峰测控披露接待调研公告,公司于3月1日接待Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited、GRANDEUR PEAK ADVISORS、GRANDEUR PEAKADVISORS、Point72 Hong Kong Limited、安联基金管理有限公司等111家机构调研。公告显示,华峰测控参与本次接待的人员共4人,为董事长孙镪,总经理蔡琳,副总经理 ...
中证智能财讯 上海机电 ...
2 天
证券之星股票频道 on MSN3月19日益方生物发布公告,股东减持1004.47万股证券之星消息,3月19日益方生物发布公告《益方生物:益方生物关于股东权益变动的提示性公告》,其股东LAV Alpha Hong Kong Limited、LAV Inventis Hong Kong Limited、LAV Apex Hong Kong ...
36氪获悉,天眼查App显示,近日,淄博哈罗网络科技有限公司成立,法定代表人为王天流,注册资本500万美元,经营范围含物联网技术服务、信息系统集成服务、共享自行车服务、物联网应用服务、专业设计服务、票务代理服务、充电桩销售等。股东信息显示,该公司由哈啰出行旗下Hong Kong RideTech Limited全资持股。
AsianFin -- Xu Bing, a co-founder, executive director, and board secretary of AI company SenseTime Group, has resigned from ...