Gov. Ron DeSantis is holding a press conference in Palmetto to announce a new Port Authority Job Growth Grant Fund ...
G overnor Ron DeSantis awarded $1.5 million to Winter Haven, Florida to extend rail access within the Central Florida Integrated Logistics Park through the Florida Job Growth Grant Fund (JGGF).
Three manufacturing companies will receive grants from the state, allowing for expansions in production, jobs and regional ...
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced a $2 million grant from the Florida Job Growth Grant Fund for infrastructure improvements ...
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced a $2 million grant from the Florida Job Growth Grant Fund for infrastructure improvements at SeaPort Manatee as it recovers from hurricane damage.
On March 17, city commissioners will consider supporting a resolution to seek $8 million from the State of Florida Job Growth ...
Gov. Ron DeSantis visited SeaPort Manatee on March 14 to present a $2 million check for infrastructure upgrades. The grant ...
Ron DeSantis announced a $2 million grant from the Florida Job Growth Grant Fund for infrastructure improvements at SeaPort Manatee as it recovers from hurricane damage. The grant will reconstruct ...
Gov. Glenn Youngkin on Wednesday doubled down on the necessity of sweeping federal layoffs while attempting to reassure ...