由不得,随着《哪吒2》的爆火,就连新闻联播和新华社都在发文恭贺,其背后的影响力可见一斑。 再仔细一看,《哪吒2》不是没有名次,只是票房直接被恶意抹零了,只留下了可怜的3260万美元(约2.36亿人民币)的票房。
当《哪吒2》全球票房突破149.79亿元、剑指影史前五的瞬间,Box Office Mojo数据库突然“抽搐”——这部东方神话巨制竟被强行抹去147亿票房,仅剩2.36亿元海外数据在榜单边缘苟延残喘。美国权威票房统计平台的这记“数据腰斩”,撕开了文化霸权最肮脏的底裤。
参考消息网3月4日报道(文/张伊宇)随着《哪吒之魔童闹海》(《哪吒2》)进入全球票房榜前7,电影票房收入成为媒体关注焦点。美国“银幕狂欢”网站称《哪吒2》为“a juggernaut at the Chinese box ...
随着《哪吒2》累计票房突破150亿元,冲入全球票房榜前五,许多人都在关注其在海外的票房表现,并紧盯有没有发生什么“幺蛾子”。近期一个流传广泛的说法是,有网友发现,“在全球票房统计最权威的平台Box Office ...
While Chinese animated blockbuster Ne Zha 2 keeps busting global box-office records, the movie's character theme song Ne Zha ...
BEIJING, March 1 (Xinhua) -- Chinese record-breaking animated film "Ne Zha 2" is now ranked 7th on the all-time global box office chart, with its total box office revenue surpassing that of ...
中国大陆动画《哪咤2》引起一阵衝高票房在排行榜「升国旗」的风潮,累计票房突破150亿元(人民币),热情影迷还到处拉人前往戏院以拉抬票房。许多人也高度关注电影在海外的票房表现,不料《哪咤2》在衝进全球票房榜前5名后,热心影迷们发现权威票房网路平台Box ...
Chinese animated blockbuster "Ne Zha 2" remained the top five at the North American box office on its second weekend, taking in US$3.06 million for a North American cume of 14.85 million dollars, data ...
During China's 2025 "two sessions", Donnie Yen,renowned actor and CPPCC National Committee member,commented that Ne Zha 2 has ...
Follow us 划动查看中文版Have you seen the movie Ne Zha 2? It has not only hit the China's box office champion, but also become the world's highest-grossing animated film of all time. The influence of this mo ...
"The success of this new animation movie, Ne Zha 2, shows first of all, the success of the Chinese movie industry, success in bringing up the content that comes from Chinese mythology as well as ...