New hope offered by a pharmacy team for treating heart disease by sharing insights into the fundamental process of how the heart is formed in utero.
From his lab at the University of Houston College of Pharmacy Drug Discovery Institute, Mingfu Wu, associate professor, is ...
Insights into the fundamental process of how the heart is formed offer new hope for treating heart disease. The findings ...
From his lab at the University of Houston College of Pharmacy Drug Discovery Institute, Mingfu Wu, associate professor, is offering new hope for treating heart disease by sharing his insights into the ...
New findings on tunneling nanotube-like structures offer critical insights into heart formation, paving the way for innovative heart disease therapies.
这项发现不仅解开了困扰发育生物学界50年的"心脏形态发生之谜",更揭示了细胞通讯的量子跃迁:在纳米尺度上,生命竟演化出堪比光纤网络的信号高速公路。想象未来医生通过修复这些微观管道治疗先天心脏病,或利用仿生纳米管实现心肌再生,此刻实验室里的小鼠心脏成像 ...
Lianjie Miao, research assistant professor of pharmacology, is the paper's first author. The signals are particularly important during development of the trabeculae, which are crucial in early heart ...
Researchers develop method to precisely control calcium phosphate structure at the 300-nanometer scale using bone-forming ...
A transformative study has uncovered the pivotal role of the protein Naked cuticle homolog 2 (NKD2) in regulating the differentiation of bone-forming osteoblasts and bone-resorbing osteoclasts.