— Spade-toothed whales are the world’s rarest, with no live sightings ever recorded. No one knows how many there are, what ...
The Whale’s Tooth parking lot, operated by the New Bedford Port Authority, will provide both MBTA and Seastreak parking. Here ...
In the summer of 2020, researchers from the University of Manitoba set up a time-lapse camera overlooking the Churchill River ...
HEARTSTOPPING footage shows the moment two giant whales move in to protect a diver from a bloodthirsty shark. Benoît Girodeau ...
Baleen whales filter feed on tiny plankton, while toothed whales gulp down fish without chewing. Use their long tongues to ...
In a dramatic turn of events, two sperm whales rescued a diver, Benoît Girodeau, from an oceanic whitetip shark attack off the coast of Mauritius, showcasing an extraordinary display of protective ...
A look at I-195 Bridge project was top news this week. Here's a recap of the most-read Standard-Times stories.