Absolute evil was ultimately thrown into the trash heap of history. And in Goebbels’ mansion? Hundreds of Jewish American ...
A spokesman for Chabad told JNS that the worldwide Jewish movement "absolutely" does not involve itself in the politics of the Jewish state.The post Chabad Chassidim ‘political activists’ for ...
In everyday life we frequently meet people who seem to be walking around in disguise. One is disguised as someone arrogant, another as someone vulgar, and a third as someone apathetic – but what we ...
Purim reminds us that salvation can come in the blink of an eye and that even in our darkest moments, we are never alone.The post The gallows, the tunnels and ...
Purim’s costumes hold a deeper lesson—seeing beyond disguises to the true essence of people, just as in the Megillah.
The Rebbe explained that when God appeared at Mount Sinai, He was returning to the world, His garden — transforming it into a ...
Op Ed by Rabbi Gershon Avtzon: "My shlichus is Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch in Cincinnati...I thought that I reached “cruising altitude”, until I received - through the Igros Kodesh - a shocking ...
Imagine sitting through four hours of Uncle Hymie’s stories — it’s about as pleasant as glass grinding in your ear.
Rabbi Moishe Mayir Vogel first visited a prison nearly five decades ago. While home in Manchester, England, for Pesach in ...
(Exodus 25:3) The Lubavitcher Rebbe explains that these three materials represent three types of givers: Gold-Hearted Giver – The highest level. Zahav (gold) stands for “Zeh HaNoten Bari ...
The Lubavitcher Rebbe, spiritual leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, made an imprint on her at a young age, especially for his efforts to put Jewish women at the forefront of the organization ...