All tickets will go on sale from 9am on Wednesday. Around 50 tall ships from around the world will race through the English Channel and North Sea to La Havre, Dunkirk, Aberdeen, Kristiansand and ...
The three Chinese Navy ships in the Tasman Sea have moved into Australia’s economic zone, with defence officials assuming the taskforce is backed by a nuclear-powered submarine. It comes as the ...
Ketchikan is joining other Southeast Alaska communities like Sitka, Juneau, and Skagway in collecting sales tax on goods and services purchased on board cruise ships while they’re docked in the First ...
Before joining Raw Story, Brad Reed spent eight years writing about technology at and Network World. Prior to that, he wrote freelance stories for political publications such as AlterNet ...
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough will collect sales tax on purchases of goods and services aboard cruise ships docked within the borough starting April 1 after voting 6-1 to remove a 2003 ordinance ...
The classic sailing scene continues to prosper around the established centres of the Solent, East Coast, West Country and further. This summer sees the return of the Richard Mille Cup, the 8-M Worlds, ...
Tom Boggioni is a writer, born, raised and living in San Diego — where he attended San Diego State University. Prior to writing for Raw Story, he wrote for FireDogLake, blogged as TBogg, and ...
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly on Monday is set to consider for the final time an ordinance that would allow the borough to collect sales tax on goods purchased aboard cruise ships docked in ...
Video \ Newstalk ZB Defence Minister Judith Collins has emphasised that China is within its rights to send three navy ships to the Tasman Sea, but says they should also serve as a “wake-up call ...
The Flagship Niagara League hosts the event every three years, to highlight Erie's maritime heritage. "What we do in creating this event is we put Erie on the map as being the center of sail training ...