The Last of Us is a Sony exclusive that was released on the PlayStation 3 in 2013. It was a massive success, selling millions of copies, and was considered one of the best games of all time.
索尼日前公布了截至2025年4月的PS+第二、第三档会员即将下架的游戏名单。随着3月份的游戏阵容在部分区域陆续上线,包括动物井在内的8款作品将从游戏库中移除。 根据官方安排,这些游戏将在4月中旬从PS Plus Extra订阅服务中下架。即使玩家此前已下载相关游戏,若未购买完整版,届时将无法继续游玩。如希望保留游戏体验,需另行购入游戏本体。 本文属于原创文章,如若转载,请注明来源:索尼公布2025 ...
The main screen is a 6.01-inch display, and the second is a 3.92-inch display, which folds into the back of the device when ...