Clearing land for cattle and cows is the single biggest driver of rainforest loss in the Amazon. This "hotel for cows" in Colombia offers a solution. This Colombian 'hotel for cows' could help ...
Carlos Hernando Molina walks under the trees at El Hatico. The family has nearly doubled the number of cows per hectare. This "hotel for cows" is something called silvopasture. That's the intentional ...
Carlos Hernando Molina walks under the trees at El Hatico. The family has nearly doubled the number of cows per hectare. (Julia Simon | NPR) This “hotel for cows” is something called silvopasture.
“The idea is to go directly to farmers through their county agents and establish carbon capturing measures that include regenerative grazing, organic sources of nitrogen like legumes, soil amendments ...
University of Minnesota Extension, University of Wisconsin-Extension, and the Savanna Institute will jointly host a Silvopasture workshop in Luck, Wisconsin, about 70 miles northeast of St, Paul, MN ...