"Considering that almost all patients in the combined treatment group achieved testosterone recovery at 1 year, the results support that this short term (intermittent) combined approach is an optimal ...
Painless blood in the urine is the most common symptom of bladder cancer. The diagnosis is suspected when the doctor sees a tumor during an office procedure called a cystoscopy. Bladder cancer is ...
Professors Rik Bryan and Nicholas James explain how an image-directed pathway for muscle-invasive bladder cancer improves ...
Michael R. Folkert, MD, PhD, discusses real-world outcomes with spacer in prostate cancer ...
Cancer researchers at Children's Medical Research Institute have discovered an "unexpected mechanism" that our cells use to avoid cancer.
This Facts & Figures report provides statistics about colorectal cancer in the United States, including this cancer’s incidence, survival, and mortality. The report also presents data about ...
You must have your mass checked out to learn if it is cancerous or not. There are many different options for treatment. Often there are even more choices if your cancer is found early. Your medical ...
A bold career move is in your future! Aries season fills you with confidence to achieve your professional ambitions. What have you been wanting to take a risk on but have been putting it off?
Between November 2023 and October 2024, 46 patients were treated with nadofaragene firadenovec for BCG-unresponsive non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. The efficacy-evaluable population was 43 ...