An environmental assessment detailing how an estimated 1,750 cubic yards of lead-laced soils could be appropriately excavated from Makoshika State Park is open to public comment.
Soon after it was first marketed in 1976, colorless cubic zirconia became the dominant diamond imitation, with current production of approximately 60 million carats per year. Although cubic zirconia ...
Bultmann thinks also that when one explains Christ’s death on the Cross with the help of the cubic idea of sacrifice ... of sacrifice characterized the primitive and heathen notions of human ...
It's also surprisingly utilitarian for a little guy, with 18.7 cubic feet of space behind the ... It's slow and primitive, yet efficient and an outstanding value. Much like Lexus is the luxury ...
At some point, melting ice in the North Atlantic—caused by increased global warming—will cause so much freshwater to be ...
The steady hum of the engine recedes as I crank the volume. “Simple Man” by Lynyrd Skynyrd flows from the speakers as I pass yet another gas station. I’m cruising along, safe in the knowledg ...
The Atlin Gold Camp has produced more than 600,000 ounces of placer gold since its discovery in 1898, making it one of British Columbia's richest placer regions. While most productive creeks in the ...