Of these writers, the most relevant to my discussion is Durham, because his argument puts the postmodernism of Valis in a different light from that in which I have so far set it. For Durham the late ...
Editorial Introduction: Postmodernism's SF/SF's Postmodernism. Are we late? Are we early? Can it be we're on time? Linking postmodernism and SF is hardly a new thing; many of SF's most sophisticated ...
Novelist Govinda Raj Bhattarai discusses his literary journey and the qualities of a good translation.
Courtesy Nachlass Hans Hollein With the re-examination of Postmodernism now widespread in many countries around the world, this research offers an innovative and expansive investigation of Austria’s ...
The course will focus on some of the ways in which the cultural phenomenon labelled as 'postmodernism' has impacted on/in psychology, with particular emphasis on the poststructuralist theories through ...
The author defends historical materialism against contemporary anti-Marxist philosophical tendencies related to the Frankfurt School and postmodernism. This book is available for purchase from ...