The future of food security and nutritional security depends on the health of soil and plants, therefore, there is a need to ...
Hyderabad: The future of food security depends on the health of soil and plants. To improve both, natural methods must be ...
Adopting organic methods and shifting towards sustainable agricultural practices by incorporating the results of modern ...
为解决橄榄树受干旱影响问题,研究人员探究 PGPR 与生物炭组合对其抗旱性的影响,发现该组合可增强抗旱性,意义重大。 来自西班牙莱昂大学(University of León)的研究人员深入开展研究,他们将目光聚焦于植物生长促进根际细菌(Plant Growth-Promoting ...
对玉米和茶树幼苗的生长促进作用 :研究人员选取 5 株高效的 PGPR 菌株,在控制环境下对玉米幼苗进行实验,在苗圃条件下对茶树幼苗进行实验。结果显示,这些菌株显著促进了玉米和茶树幼苗的生长。例如,在苗圃条件下,接种 5 株 PGPR 菌株且 NPK 浓度降低 50% 时,茶树幼苗的株高增加了 1.8 - 9.4%,叶片数量增加了 12 - 16.2%,鲜重和干重分别增加了 18.1 - 30.3 ...
Will they flower at the same time or one after the other? In this video, Frances Tophill shares her favourite spring flowers, including beautiful blooms to grow in pots or in the ground, plants that ...
Protect the young plants from slugs and snails, and water regularly. You may also need to stake them if they're in an exposed position. Choose your variety carefully as dwarf sunflowers grow to around ...
Plant hormones, also known as phytohormones, are chemicals that regulate plant cell processes. They are signal molecules produced within the plant functioning in extremely low concentrations. The ...
japonicum, which may contribute to improving the efficiency of this symbiont in promoting plant growth. Further research is required to elucidate the mechanisms underlying these interactions and their ...